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What should you do to prepare for a chemical peel?

Preparing for a chemical peel can help ensure the best possible results and minimize the risk of complications. Here are some steps to follow when preparing for a chemical peel:

Consult with a qualified skincare professional or dermatologist to determine if a chemical peel is appropriate for your skin type and concerns. Avoid excessive sun exposure for at least two weeks before the peel. Sunburned or tanned skin is more sensitive and may be more prone to complications. Avoid using certain medications or topical treatments that can increase sensitivity or interfere with the healing process. These may include retinoids, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, and certain antibiotics. Moisturize your skin regularly to ensure it's well-hydrated and in the best possible condition for the peel.

Follow any specific pre-treatment instructions provided by your skincare professional or dermatologist, such as avoiding certain foods or supplements or using a specific cleanser or toner.

By properly preparing for a chemical peel, you can help ensure the best possible results and minimize the risk of complications.

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